The Private Security Program of the Texas Department of Public Safety regulates the private security and private investigation industry in the state of Texas under the authority of Occupations Code Chapter 1702 and the Private Security Board's Administrative Rules.

The program licenses private security and private investigation companies and registers individuals employed by those companies in a regulated capacity.  The program's commissioned (armed)vand non-commissioned (Unarmed) personnel investigate consumer complaints, unlicensed activity and administrative violations.

The Private Security Board is a seven member board appointed by the governor to oversee the program's regulation of the industry and to provide a forum for public and industry input on policy and administrative rules.

 Regulated services include: Investigations, Guards (both unarmed and armed), Security Alarms, Armored Car Service, Courier Service, Electronic Access Devices, Locksmiths, Guard Dogs, Telematics (GPS), Security Consultants and Training Schools.
Consumer Information

 This company is licensed
and regulated by the
Texas Department of Public Safety
Licensing and Registration Service -
Private Security Program
Complaints may be directed to:
P.O. Box 4087
Austin, Texas 78773-0001
e-mail us at:
Playing Detective is a punishable offense!

These are the rules!

 The Private Security Act (Chapter 1702, Texas Occupations Code) requires the licensure of any person or company that provides or offers to provide investigations or security-related services in the state. Providing or offering to provide a regulated service without a license, or knowingly employing or contracting with an unlicensed company to perform a regulated service, is a Class A misdemeanor (first offense). There are also criminal penalties imposed under the statutory provisions of the Act that make the operation of an unlicensed company punishable by a year in jail, a fine of up to $4,000.00, or both on conviction for the first offense. Subsequent convictions of operating as an unlicensed company could result in imprisonment for no less than 2 years and no more than 10 years, a fine of up to $10,000.00 or both if desired by the prosecutorial authority to whom the case is presented.

You have the right to a written contract with all fees listed prior to any work being done by a licensed PI.